BONUS - 084: CoolDown with Jeff and Zach


July 28th, 2019

10 mins 10 secs

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

Hello and Welcome to the CoolDown, the special aftershow content for supporters of the Running Inside Out Podcast on Patreon.
Now you may be saying to yourself… “Self, I am not on Patreon. I should not be hearing this extra bonus content.” And you would be right… except, I felt this was a good example of the kind of stuff that you can hear ‘behind the curtain’ and so the thinking goes, if you like what you hear, then click that link fam, get on the Patreon and slap down your digits to contribute to the financial well-being of the show. And if you don’t like what you hear, well, then that’s just like… your opinion. As always thank you all for listening and especially thank you to those that choose to contribute to the podcast… And now, enjoy your cool down.

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