Episode 088

088: Allez! Allez, Rob! - with Rob Richard


September 24th, 2019

1 hr 26 mins 59 secs

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

Rob Richard makes the long trip in from Little Falls, NY to share some stories of learning and finding perspective in running. Rob Richard is a life-long runner who lives in the charming city of Little Falls, NY. He ran his first ultra marathon in 2015 and has since finished over twenty endurance races, including the Bear 100, the Georgia Death Race (four times), the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB), and a first-place finish at The Endurance Society "Infinitus" 100-miler. Last year, he successfully completed a winter crossing of the Great Range Traverse in the High Peaks of the Adirondacks. Rob is the captain of a running club he founded, the "Rock City Runners," and he's very active in his community, serving on the boards of two non-profits as well as two City boards.

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