About the show
Sometimes we're inside the race and sometimes we're outside, but always around the Rochester, NY running scene and the community members who make it happen. If you run you, are a runner. If you are a runner, you have a story. These are the stories of our community. Hosted by Chris O'Brien.
Running Inside Out Podcast on social media
WKRIO 002: Voices From the Past! or... Voices from the Trail 2018
March 30th, 2023 | 1 hr 41 mins
(Travel with us if you will... rescued from the digital abyss...) Voices from the Trail 2018.. Jason Vidmar, Michael Burke, Nate Huckle, Katie Ghidiu and Joy Valvano shared their running stories with us. From broken bladders, spontaneous 50ks, near death coaching experiences to professional outdoor parenting tips this evening covered a lot of ground.
WKRIO 001 Have You Heard the Good Word?
February 8th, 2023 | 18 mins 22 secs
A small change in the format here... A "Who Knows?!" episode of RIO. Clara and I ramble through Black Creek Park and I describe a little bit of what's going on with this here podcast.
111: One of Those Beard Shaving Moments
January 23rd, 2023 | 1 hr 8 mins
frozen, twisted
Scott Magee, Race Director of Twisted Branch 100k joins. We chat about taking breaks (cough, cough), what it's like to not be on the internet and of course Twisted and Frozen Branches.
110: I Think a Hundred Is Doable - Prepping for Western States with Charlie Granger
June 12th, 2022 | 1 hr 39 mins
In this episode we wander around the surprisingly busy Genesee Valley Park with Charlie Granger. Charlie is heading to Western States this year! But he’s been out west before this… Angeles Crest 100 was his first hundred miler. He’s from the San Gabriel mountains, so you know, it just made sense. As for locally, you may have seen Charlie around Twisted Branch 100k, Many on the Genny or maybe most recently at Cayuga Trails 50k. This was a fun experiment of a podcast, Charlie and I participate in a quite eventful day at Genesee Valley park and chat about how his training is going, how he plans (or doesn’t) for these big events and just some life things in general. And as you’ll see, both of us have a bit of a fun time trying to remember, well… anything from the past. So feel free to shout into the air as you hear us stumble through a bunch of “thought exercises”
109: A Primitive Footpath - Setting the End to End FKT on the Finger Lakes Trail with Mark Valites, John Ghidiu and Christy Post
March 9th, 2022 | 2 hrs 2 mins
fkt, flt
Mark Valites ran the across New York State a few months ago. He set the first known Supported FKT (Fastest Known Time) running East to West on the NY Finger Lakes Trail. It’s 584 miles… ish. Who’s counting? And two of the main people that were along for the ride (and let’s face it, driving the bus) were John Ghidiu and Christy Post. We recount the highs and lows and the somewhat surprising, but not quite surprising outcome of Mark's trip on this "hidden gem" of a trail
108: We Tolerate Each Other with Affection - with Sara and Todd Brotsch
February 24th, 2022 | 2 hrs 24 mins
marathon, rochester running company
Todd and Sara ran their first marathon together. Like step by step together. At Disney. They do lots of things together. Except train for their marathon. Todd did many of his long runs with Rochester Running Company group runs (and more than a few Thursday runs with me and the group at ThreeHeads Brewery.) Sara likes to run alone. But yet they did their first marathon together. How? Well… let’s find out!
107: I Am Hot Blooded with Josh Frankel
February 7th, 2022 | 1 hr 26 mins
cayuga trails, last runner standing, mighty mosquito 99, mudslog, rochester running company
Josh Frankel and I get together to chat about bad decisions, good friends and combining the two can lead to really great times. From 5ks through half and full marathons and then onto ultras including the fabled hundred miler. (The alternate title for this episode was “I’m signed up for another one this year… but then, we uncovered the surprising truth of his favorite distance to run!)
106 This is Like Flossing - with Mitch Ball
November 27th, 2021 | 2 hrs 6 mins
Mitch’s race history reads like a guy who REALLY wants to win races. Who REALLY wants to get the most out of himself. Also, he doesn't really run ultras. And yet, his dream race is Leadville 100. Yes, a hundred miler out in Colorado. A race he surely had little chance of finishing, let alone winning. Why was that his dream race? And why are his dreams so long and at 12,000 feet elevation?
Maybe that's how he thought he could compete... at a higher level. [Cue Who Music] 😎 -
105: Something You Write on a Piece of Paper - with Clement Chung
October 9th, 2021 | 2 hrs 7 mins
Clem Chung tells about how he got started running somewhere around 2017, the things involved in planning self supported marathons and his “four year plan” to finish a hundred miler which culminated in his attempt at Mighty Mosquito 99 and striving to engineer the perfect run
104: Impressed and a Little Embarrassed - with Abby McCarthy
September 23rd, 2021 | 1 hr 32 mins
Abby McCarthy returns after what we discovered was a nearly 4 year absence from the podcast. She has a done a lot during that time. Including the Georgia Death Race, Ode to Laz Backyard Ultra… Twice and Mt. Hood and Cruel Jewel 50 milers. Oh yeah, she also hiked the entire Pacific Crest Trail and ran every street in Rochester. And certainly some other stuff that she forgot about.
103: Being Undercooked Is Better than Being Overcooked - with Garth Howell and James Castiglione
September 8th, 2021 | 2 hrs 17 mins
It’s been a few years in the making, but Garth Howell is finally on the podcast! James Castiglione comes along for the ride, as he would say. We cover some brief introductory topics such as a little bit about James and Garth got the way they are, and how we all met. Run Groups folks. Run Groups. And then we dig into Garth’s latest feat, Twisted Branch 100k.
102: 2020 Is Gonna Be An Awesome Year - with Tom and Alyson Tighe
July 30th, 2021 | 1 hr 51 mins
Tom and Alyson Tighe got into Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon AND Western States in 2019. Almost too Perfect. Then 2020 happened. CANCELED! And now it's 2021 and racing is back! You won't believe what this couple is planning to do! [🙄 End clickbait description 🙄] Spoiler, They're doing all 3!
101: The Walking Really Slows You Down - with Ellie Pell
July 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 21 mins
Ellie Pell is back! (For some of you, it might seems like maybe she never left 🤣 ) Well, not only is Ellie back on the podcast, she is also back racing. She has banged out wins at Many on The Genny AND FL50s in the last month. But more importantly, she running around Rochester! That's right. She's left Gorges Ol' Ithaca for the ROC! Listen in as Ellie and I chat about the latest and greatest going on in her running world!
100: It Can Be Life Changing - with Pete Kresock
April 28th, 2021 | 1 hr 19 mins
We stretch our mic cables all the way out to Ithaca, NY to chat with Pete Kresock. This episode has been a long-time coming and I'm super happy to finally have a chat with Pete. Pete is an ultra-runner and local scene advocate. Pete keeps is pretty real and always has an interesting take on things.
099: Glory Days - with Mike Welden, Jamie Hobbs and Daven Oskvig
July 21st, 2020 | 2 hrs 32 mins
We've gathered the braintrust together to discuss all manner of things from Current Events to gear to beer. Mike Welden, Jamie Hobbs and Daven Oskvig sit in their respective corners in my sunroom, crack a few cold ones and share stories of what was, what is and what could be.